Be a part of the SOLUTION, not a part of POLLUTION


                           AIR POLLUTION

toxic gases released by industries

There is a lot of demand in the present rapidly growing world Auto mobile companies are manufacturing according to the demand of the people.

 people are giving more preference Using of Private own cars, 2 wheelers instead of using public transport.

Air Crisis in India is more in DELHI is more if we compare to other cities in INDIA. People think of air pollution as a complex topic but if there is a change in yourself then there could be a change in the public.

New Delhi most polluted capital city in the world for the third time in a row

World air quality report of 2022 by Swiss organization, IQ air 22 of the world’s 30 most polluted cities are in India.  This includes New Delhi, which has been cited as the most polluted capital city in the world for the third year running.

Toxic gases

Causes of Poor Air Quality

The Badarpur Thermal Power Station, a coal-fired power plant built in 1973, was another major source of air pollution in Delhi. Despite producing less than 8% of the city's electric power, it produced 80 to 90% of the particulate matter pollution from the electric power sector in Delhi.

 During the great smog of Delhi in November 2016, the Badarpur Power Plant was temporarily shut down to alleviate the acute air pollution but was allowed to restart on 1 February 2017.

 In view of the detrimental effect on the environment, the power plant has been permanently shut down since 15 October 2018.

Effects of poor air quality

Health effects

The government of Delhi has declared a health advisory.

  • Breathlessness
  • Chest constriction
  • Irritation in eyes
  • Asthma
  • Allergy


Response of expatriates and government

On 14 November 2021 the air quality index of Delhi reached 465 and in response to the severe air quality index, the Delhi government announced the closure of all educational institutions for a week from November 15 after the Supreme Court raised concerns over the deteriorating air quality index.

 On 17 November as the was no improvement in the condition of the air quality index in Delhi. The Commission for Air Quality Monitoring (CAQM) directed that all schools, colleges, and educational institutions will be closed until further notice, in Delhi, and in NCR.

 Other than this the entries of trucks have been banned in Delhi, all construction activities have been halted until 21 November 2021 and 6 out of 11 thermal power plants in Delhi in a radius of 300 km have been shut down until 30 November, in an effort to reduce pollution and improve the air quality index

Air quality index data of Delhi
